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Our Team

Working toward the same goals together, striving to keep innovating veterinary medicine, revolutionizing care, and showing their hometown heart!

Our Doctors of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Cortland P. Cheney

Practice Owner 2015-Present

Dr. Cortland “Cory” Cheney started his career in veterinary medicine at Tri-County Veterinary Service in 2012 after graduating from the Ohio State University. Prior to veterinary school, he obtained his bachelor’s degree in biology with a concentration in environmental science from Kenyon College. His interest in veterinary medicine started while growing up in rural Ohio raising sheep, working with other livestock, and enjoying the outdoors. Professionally, he enjoys dentistry, surgery, and internal medicine. In his free time, he enjoys spending time in the outdoors adventuring with his wife Alexis and their two sons; Kitrick & Weston. He also enjoys hanging out with his two cats, who keep him busy picking things up off the floor that they don’t believe should be on tables. He would like to thank our wonderful clients and furry patients for all of their support in this endeavor to provide the communities of Gibsonville, Elon, and Burlington with high quality and ever-improving veterinary care.

Dr. Emily Westmoreland

Associate Veterinarian

Dr. Westmoreland grew up in nearby Reidsville, North Carolina. She has always wanted to be a veterinarian since the age of 4 years old, when her family got a tiny orange kitten that she bonded with immediately. She was a recipient of the Park Scholarship to North Carolina State University and graduated with a BS in Biochemistry and a minor in Animal Science in 2010, and again in 2014 with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. She has worked as a veterinarian at general practices in Eden and Greensboro, and has been practicing medical acupuncture since 2017. Dr Westmoreland particularly enjoys geriatric care with all that it involves - pain control, hospice/palliative care, and management of chronic illnesses - but also dentistry and feline medicine. When not working, she is usually in her yard in Reidsville, gardening! She is very proud of her eclectic organic garden including many varieties of herbs, tropical hibiscus, flowers, veggies and potted trees. She also enjoys volunteering with the Park Scholarships, as well as watching and attending NASCAR races. She shares her home with 5 cats (Mufasa, a rescue from one of her first vet jobs, who has been her BFF through undergrad, vet school and beyond; Ziva, a Siamese who rules the house with an iron paw, Bubbles and Buttercup, rescued as sick kittens from the vet school farm; and Alexus, rescued as a sick stray found outside her dad’s office) and 2 dogs (Jolene, a silly chihuahua/pomeranian puppy mill rescue, and Bugsy, the laziest rat terrier in the world.)

Our Veterinary Assistants

Terrie Terrell, VRCE

Terrie joined the veterinary world in 2006. Since then she has worked in both general practice as well as emergency medicine. She decided on veterinary medicine to try and do as much good for animals as she could. She is a proud wildlife rehabber and animal rescuer and we are also very proud of her as she actively is working towards getting her Veterinary Medical Technology degree! She loves all animals (especially flamingos). Terrie is an avid film buff and the person you want on your team for any TV/Movie trivia. In her spare time she likes to read and knit. Fun fact: if you see her in public and she gives you a funny look, you may be waving at her twin sister Amanda!

Josh Clark

For years I pondered over the emotional satisfaction that comes with helping save an animal's life. Not only the feeling, but the story behind every case is what drove my first steps into veterinary medicine. After high school, I went on to Alamance Community College to complete my animal care and management degree and was blessed to find an opportunity through my internship to obtain my very first assistant job in the field of veterinary science. After graduation, I transferred to UNCG to complete my undergraduate biology degree, forcing me to transfer hospitals to continue my education as a full-time student and full-time worker. Every animal is unique and delivers a story that will stay with me for a lifetime. Once graduation arrives, I will pursue my dreams of becoming a board-certified veterinary surgeon. In the meantime, I strive to better myself through physical exercise as well as helping others reach their fitness goals. I am most proud of my ambition and drive to better myself not just physically but mentally and spiritually.

Jessica Varner, VRCE

I have been working in veterinary medicine for 5 years and am currently attending central carolina community college to become a certified veterinary technician. My true passion is working with animals, helping them to thrive and live the best and longest life they can. I enjoy spending my free time with my fiance and son, fourwheeling, fishing, and soaking up the sun on the beach. I have 2 dogs who are my pride and joy. Lena is my sweet pitbull and Ruger is my stoic and intelligent blue heeler/husky mix. Jessica earned her Veterinary Receptionist Certificate of Excellence in January of 2024!

Hannah Carver, VRCE

Hannah is currently a kennel attendant in training to be a veterinary assistant! While she has worked emergency previously for a short time, she is still green to the veterinary industry but boy does she pick up skills fast! Hannah chose to work in the veterinary industry because she has a passion for helping any animal that she can. Away from work, Hannah loves to spend time with her family or riding her horse through the county-side. She also has four doggie babies: Kimber Kain, Abel, Nelli, & Jake. Hannah earned her Veterinary Receptionist Certificate of Excellence in 2024!

Corrie Wagoner, VRCE

Corrie’s veterinary career started at Phoenix in 2013! She left PAH briefly to pursue her dream job of being a 911 dispatcher, and while she still works dispatch she came back to us as she finds calm in the ever eventful world of veterinary medicine (and because she loves it)! Corrie holds a license for wildlife rehab and is currently working on earning her Registered Veterinary Technician license as well! Corrie is proud to do the most she can to provide care to humans and animals everyday that she works, no matter where she works. When she isn’t at either job she can likely be found napping enjoying the sunshine on her front porch with her three dogs; Bentley, Sterling, and Sallie. She may also be on the back or a motorcycle with her fiancé Jesse. Corrie earned her Veterinary Receptionist Certificate of Excellence (VRCE) in December of 2023!

Kaitlin Morgan, AVA & VRCE

Kaitlin is one of our newest team members but don’t let age fool you, she is a go-getter and a fast learner! Kaitlin recently graduated from Randolph Community College majoring in Veterinary Assisting where she gained her credentials as an Approved Veterinary Assistant (AVA). She is proud to say that in a short few months she will be starting technical school to become a Registered Veterinary Technician and we think she will be a great one. “I have always loved animals and felt a strong connection to help them so my decision to become a RVT was no shock to anyone in my family. As a child I always came home with animals in my pocket or hiden in a bag.” Kaitlin’s favorite things to do outside of work consist of finding new places to eat or spending time with her family and having a cookout. Kaitlin says “I hope to keep learning new things in the vet field as I go along and help animals along the way." Kaitlin earned her Veterinary Receptionist Certificate of Excellence (VRCE) in 2024!

Customer Service Representatives

Susan Fowler, VRCE

Susan has been working in the veterinary field since she was 21 years old (we won’t tell you how many years that has been). She went into this industry because she thought she would love to pet puppies and kittens all day long (anyone who is reading this and works in veterinary medicine just laughed out loud). Susan also liked the idea of saving animals lives. “Watching them recover from some of the most tragic events and returning to their owners loving arms always warms my heart.” Susan also loves snapping a photo of all our fur-babies that walk through the door and she has helped many owners find their lost pets. “Helping people find their lost pets is a very good feeling too.” She is proud of how long she has been in this industry and learned many people/communication skills. If the Carolina Tarheels are playing basketball, you might as well forget changing the TV to anything else because she lives and breathes Carolina blue! She also loves hanging out with her three dogs Jerry Lee AKA Boo Boo Kitty the German Shepard, and her two Weiner dogs Muffin and Holly. She also loves deep-sea fishing and collecting antique dishes. Susan earned her Veterinary Receptionist Certificate of Excellence in December of 2023!

Sheree Crutchfield, VRCE

After a successful career at Belk, Sheree starting working in the Veterinary industry. She wanted a job that would provide interesting and diverse working days (boy did she choose the right industry!). Sheree says “Each day is a learning experience.” While helping animals she loves the satisfaction of helping people. Sheree is very proud of her journey of life and how far she has come, especially her past and obstacles she has overcome. She states “I am proud of times I have failed at something because out a that failure, I have learned something and grown. Proud of choices I have made and how they shaped me into the person I have become. Proud of taking that “1st step”, which is often the hardest in a journey. Proud of helping someone and sending positive energy out into the world. Proud of stopping and realizing it's important to take care of yourself. Proud of being able to ask for help if needed. Proud of being able to be honest with myself and others. Proud I am able to accept others as they are...I embrace their uniqueness and celebrate our differences. Proud I can sometimes bring a smile to someone's face. Last but not least, I am so very proud of my daughter, Jessica. She shares the same love and passion for life and also works in a vet's office.” Sheree’s favorite after-work activity involves any outdoor activity, especially working in her yard, water sports, and hiking. Sheree earned her Veterinary Receptionist Certificate of Excellence (VRCE) in January of 2024!

Ashley Breedlove

Ashley has been working in the veterinary field for over 10 years and played many roles from Kennel Attendant to Assistant to Customer Service Representative. “I am the mother of two of the most awesome girls ever, Hayley & Kennedi, you are my biggest achievement!!!!”. Ashley is also proud that her care for animals lives on in her children as they both go above and beyond for Ashley's grand puppies Oakley, Lily, & Bronco Benjamin. Ashley is our office prankster and has quite the green thumb! When at home she loves being with her hubba Brandon, spending time with her girls & grand dogs, and doing anything outdoors.

Practice Manager

Alexis Cheney, B.S. & CVPM

Ever since she was a young girl growing up on a beef farm in Snow Camp, Alexis always knew she wanted to be a veterinarian. Though this dream didn’t come to pass, life placed her in the right place at the right time and she couldn’t be happier how it turned out. Her veterinary experience all started in 2012 at a Large & Small Animal Vet. “I applied for a technician assistant position at Tri County Vet and received the job. I was happy working as many hours as they could give me so I could pay for undergrad. At the time, I was living at home with my family and commuted an hour each way to college every day. I am proud of working 30+ hour weeks while going to school full time, this allowed me to graduate debt-free from NC A&T State University with a Bachelors Degree Majoring in Agriculture Education & Minoring in Animal Sciences. Tri County Vet holds such a special place in my heart because it was the first job where I felt I could be me and co-workers felt like family (Shout-out to my TCVS fam!).” During that time Alexis was also working alongside her soon to be husband, Cory. “When we were working together everything seemed to just click, so when the time came to buy his own practice in 2015, he asked me to come along. Now I assume the role as Practice Manager here at Phoenix Animal Hospital". Alexis also earned her Certified Veterinary Practice Management (CVPM) certification, which is the highest level of credential for veterinary practice mangers. Working behind a desk is hard some days because I really miss the client/patient interaction, but I get my chances to fill in when things get a little crazy or if someone is out of the office.” When away you can find Alexis with her son Kit, outside in her garden, in her kitchen whipping up a meal that would make her “Mawmaw” proud, or playing some 1960’s country on the guitar. Even though she and her husband are always together at work and at home, spending time with their little family is still her favorite thing. They have two tenants that pay no rent: adopted kitties Clarice AKA Puddie/Kahleesi & Rosie AKA Fluffy-Puddie/Floof/Floofy/Floofer.